Membership of CTJC brings a wealth of benefits, including:
Thrice-yearly colour bulletin featuring news, articles, recipes, and details of upcoming events
Chevra kadisha
No extra fees for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur
CTJC membership costs for 2024/25 are:
full family £260.00
full single £180.00
associate family £187.00
associate single £115.00
young person (25 and under) £55.00
Membership fees may be varied to suit individual circumstances, and our Treasurer will be pleased to be consulted confidentially. Visitors for whom membership is not appropriate are invited to make a donation. Members are also asked to pay the Board of Deputies levy of £25 and the levy to the Chief Rabbi's Office of £8 which should be paid by each male member, together any donations to the UJIA, the CTJC or the Cambridge Chaplaincy that they may wish to make.
The Treasurer can be contacted at