Welcome to the CTJC

Cambridge Traditional Jewish Congregation, 3 Thompson's Lane, Cambridge, CB5 8AQ

About CTJC

CTJC is an independent orthodox community, based in the beautiful university town of Cambridge. We hold traditional services with a relaxed, friendly, and open style, and aim to be inclusive and welcoming. We share our shul building with the students, who run Shabbat services during term-time. Outside university term, the services are run by us, and we also run the High Holy Day services.

For times of Friday night services see the calendar. Weekday services are agreed on a Shabbat morning or by special arrangement.

There is usually a kiddush on Shabbat morning, which is a good place to meet our members and our many visitors - Cambridge hosts many visiting academics and others, and enjoying their company is an important part of our Jewish life in Cambridge.

We look forward to seeing you.

If you would like to support us, please make a donation.

Shabbat services

Shabbat morning service  starts  at 9.30am

During term time the students organise a Friday night service. Currently this is at 7:15pm

Weekday services

*During term time the students usually organise a weekday Shacharit minyan, Monday to Friday at 7:45am

For more details, and to confirm there will be a minyan, contact the Chaplain Rabbi Ben Baruch at ben@mychaplaincy.co.uk or +447916139974

Festival services

Times of festivals can be found here

CTJC loan society: "Gemach"

CTJC gemach offers Shabbat equipment such as a hot water urn, hot plate, slow cooker (meaty) and pans on a short term basis as well as Mezuzot to anyone who would like to make use of it. For more details and to donate or request items please contact Miriam: secretary@ctjc.org.uk


The CTJC AGM will take place by Zoom on 7 July 2024 at 7:30pm. A Zoom link will be sent out nearer the time

If you wish to nominate someone for one of the elected posts (Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer) email either Miriam Roche (miridina@gmail.com)  or Jo Landy (joannalandy26@gmail.com) with proposals and the name of a seconder by 23 June 2024

Proposed amendments to the constitution must be submitted by 23rd June 2024

Please make every effort to attend

CTJC weekly email newsletter

If you wish to subscribe to or unsubscribe from the CTJC weekly email newsletter, or you have news or information you would like included in future issues, please contact 


Latest magazine

To read the Pesach magazine, click here